Pleiadian DNA Alchemy Retreat – Chichén Itzá (Yucatán), MEXICO

LEVEL 1: 05–14 JUNE 2020 — LEVEL 2: 14-22 JUNE 2020


  • SUPER EARLY BIRD DEADLINE: by 3 Jan 2020 special discount rates
  • EARLY BIRD REGISTRATION DEADLINE: by 1 Feb 2020 discount fees
  • REGULAR FEE REGISTRATION CLOSURE: 1 Apr 2020 (no more Students can be accepted past that deadline)
  • ACCOMMODATION OPTIONS: Book a single room accommodation so your learning and healing experience is fully supported by privacy, comfort and peace, or a double room for further discount.
  • LOCATION: The Retreat takes place in a peaceful and safe central area of Yucatán State, near the ancient Chichén Itzá Maya Temples, away from the hustle and bustle of touristic zones, so that you enjoy the beauty of tropical nature and benefit from its healing powers.
  • FLIGHTS: For suggestions on airlines, convenient routes & economic fares, read Registration Form.


  • Learning Shamanic and Holistic healing and transformational techniques for DNA Reprogramming, Energy Coding, Consciousness Coding, and Accessing Guidance
  • Exploration of the Maya sacred sites: cenotes, caves as well as ancient Maya Pyramids and Temples of the Chichén Itzá area famous for its monumental architectural style, enormous cenotes and caves (see details in the Retreat Schedule section)
  • Healing and cleansing aiming at your personal transformation and patterns shift
  • Rest, relaxation and rejuvenation in a spa resort: nature, peace, swimming pool, healthy living and meals


The Pleiadian DNA Alchemy is a genetic, vibrational, emotional and spiritual healing combining the science of Epigenetics with the Mayan Shamanic tradition and the Mystery Schools linking these mystic techniques to our Ancestors from The Pleiades and Sirius. The Mesoamerican cosmogony, Astrology, Numerology and the Cosmic-Telluric Archetypal Energies of the Mayan Sacred Calendar play a significant role in the Pleiadian DNA Alchemy transformational and healing system. It gives you the tools for creating significant shifts on the 3 levels that need to be synchronized in order to produce a sustainable transformation and healing: the DNA, energy and consciousness. Empowered with these Shamanic techniques of DNA Programming and Consciousness Coding, you can shift your physical, emotional, intellectual, spiritual, vibrational and genetic resources to your highest potential.

As your Blueprint has been encoded with the Cosmic and Telluric Energies at the transcendent moments of conception and birth, and you will learn to re-program it using the same energies on the Space-Time Continuum Spirals of Creation to reshape your personality traits, life experience and health into empowerment, harmony & wellbeing. With the DNA Activations and Deactivations of attitudes, aptitudes, emotions, thoughts, beliefs, habits and genetic inheritance, you can shift patterns as well as eliminate any negative potential and the acquired or genetically transmitted afflictions replacing them by desired features and manifesting what you desire. Through the transformative reprogramming of your DNA, consciousness and energy with Archetypal Cosmic, Galactic and Stellar Energies, Sacred Geometry, Light and Sound Frequencies, High-Frequency Downloads, linguistic resources and affirmations, the Pleiadian DNA Alchemy is a powerful ally in speeding up your personal growth, multidimensional expansion and the process of restoring balance and harmony in your psyche, self-expression, physical health, relationships, activities and the nature of your manifestations.

This system offers you the resources for gradual shift of your Blueprint from who you are to who you choose to be, by deprogramming weaknesses, negative patterns and low-frequencies constituting the root causes of issues, blockages, imbalances and disease, while replacing them by positive empowering programs to manifest and attract all you desire. In addition to reshaping your personality traits, attitude, aptitudes, and detrimental behavioral patterns, it deals with vibrational, emotional and physical health issues by tracing and deprogramming the underlying negative emotions, thoughts, self-limiting beliefs, and self-sabotage programs, as well as by pinpointing other environmental, genetic or karmic root causes and vibrational toxins.

It includes the Intuition, The Unconscious & Radiesthesia Workshop (Level 1 & 2B and the Foundation Practice 1 & 2B [Root Causes Tracing]) in its program.


For the workshop more detailed description including the program, props and prerequisites, see ‘WHAT YOU LEARN’, ‘REQUIRED PROPS’ and ‘REGISTRATION PREREQUISITES’ sections on the Pleiadian DNA Alchemy Workshop general page. For glimpses of the tour activities, see The Tours Image Gallery slider below.


LEVEL 1: 05-14 JUNE 2020

Day 1 (05 June 2020): ARRIVAL

The arriving Students will be picked up from the airport [Mérida, Yucatán International Airport (MID)] according to their flight schedules.

Days 2-7 (06-11 June 2020): LEVEL 1 WORKSHOP

6 Days of Class, 9 am-1 pm & 2 – 6 pm: The  Pleiadian DNA Alchemy Level 1 and the Intuition Breakthrough (Pleiadian Protocol) Level 1 & Foundation Practice Level 1 Workshops

Days 8-9 (12-13 June 2020): THE TOURS

2 Days of Tours to the ancient ruins and sacred power spots; the Maya Pyramids and Temples in the archaeological sites of Chichén Itzá (with its imposing Step-Pyramid of Kukulcan), area famous for its enormous cenotes (Ik-Kil, Sacred Dzonot, as well as the Yokdzonot Cenote and Ecological Park), and sacred caves (Balankanché, The Cave of The Sacred Jaguar Throne, sheltering a sacred site of Offerings of the ancient Maya).

Day 10 (14 June 2020): DEPARTURE of ‘LEVEL 1 ONLY’ STUDENTS

The departing Level 1 Students will be dropped off at the airport [Mérida, Yucatán International Airport (MID)] according to their flight schedules.

LEVEL 2: 14-22 JUNE 2020

Days 10-15 (14-19 June 2020): LEVEL 2 WORKSHOP

6 Days of Class, 9 am-1 pm & 2 – 6 pm: The  Pleiadian DNA Alchemy Level 2 and the Intuition Breakthrough (Pleiadian Protocol) Level 2B & Foundation Practice Level 2B (Root Causes Tracing Basics) Workshops

Day 16-17 (20-21 June 2020): THE TOURS

2 Days of Tours to the ancient ruins and sacred power spots; the Maya Pyramids and Temples in the archaeological sites of Yaxunah and Mayapán (the last capital of the Ancient Maya and the twin city of Chichén Itzá), area famous for its enormous cenotes and sacred caves (Yaxunah, Lol-Há and Sotuta).

Day 18 (22 June 2020): DEPARTURE of LEVEL 2 STUDENTS

The departing Level 2 Students will be dropped off at the airport [Mérida, Yucatán International Airport (MID)] according to your flight schedules.


Yucatán, Mexico Retreat — Chichén Itzá Area Maya Temples & Pyramids, Caves & Cenotes